Terms and conditions
The candidate should not be currently ‘active’ with Capital. For example, we should not have received an updated CV in the past 12 months, and Capital should not have contacted them either via email or telephone in the past 6 months.
The €/$/£250 placement reward is payable after the candidate has been in their role for a minimum of 12 weeks.
It is possible to receive the €/$/£25 reward for the CV registration and then the €/$/£250 placement reward. The transfer Placement can be ‘active’ with Capital at the time of referral.
The Candidate must have given permission for their details to be shared with Capital.
The currency of the reward can be chosen between euros (€), US dollars ($), or pound sterling (£). The numerical value remains the same regardless of currency. For example, the reward can be €25, $25, or £25.
Capital is unable to make cash payments to individuals for tax reasons. We therefore require an invoice for the value of the referral including VAT where applicable.
Alternatively, individuals may claim online vouchers up to the value of the referral reward. The choice of voucher provider will be agreed with the individual.