At Capital International we are committed to providing our customers with the very best recruitment services. As a part of this we have developed three packages which cover a range of recruitment needs. These packages are briefly summarised below:

Capital Contingency
For when you have numerous open vacancies.
Multiple agencies can work on the same role creating a high volume of candidates from which to select.
Multiple recruiters talking about your company and your vacancy increasing brand awareness.
CV’s received quickly, usually within 24 hours.

Capital Commit
Helps you contend with those hard to fill roles.
Dedicated team and account manager working your vacancy as priority.
Saves you valuable time – you receive a smaller number of high-quality qualified candidates.
Time to placement reduced by more than 50%.

Capital Complete
Dedicated recruitment for business critical appointments.
Most suited to mid to senior level or business critical appointments.
Access to the most qualified talent in the market, including passive candidates.
Provision of on-boarding support.